
Welcome to Waterloo Park, a safe place for everyone to relax, play, walk, meet friends or just sit quietly. We would love you to visit it. The park is a beautiful Grade II listed green space on the outskirts of Norwich. It is one of four parks designed by Captain Arnold Edward Sandys-Winsch and it opened in its present form on the 25th April 1933.

Colourful refugee week poster of people in windows

Refugee Week 2024 - Photo Competition

To celebrate Refugee Week this year, Friends of Waterloo Park invite you to think about and take a photo of what "Home" means to you. This could be your current home, somewhere you'd like to live, the home of a creature that lives in the park or just something that reminds you of home. It's up to you!
Find more information about this competition here.
For more information about Refugee Week please visit: refugeeweek.org.uk

Green Flag Scheme Logo

The Green Flag Award 2023

We are delighted to have once again been awarded the Green Flag Award.
The Award reflects the high standards of maintenance by Norwich City Council to keep Waterloo Park looking as good as it does, and also the involvement of the Friends of Waterloo Park, and other partner organisations who help to keep it tidy, attractive-looking and well used. Find out more about the Green Flag Award here

NRO roll of drawings and plans II

Archives Collection

The Friends of Waterloo Park have catalogued newspaper articles, old documents, photographs, and other items about the park, and produced a website to allow many of the items to be accessed online. Documents relating to Waterloo Park date back to the 1890s, when the park was first proposed as a much-needed open space for the city of Norwich.
Ever since the idea of a large park for North Norwich was first raised in the 1890s, newspaper articles about Waterloo Park have appeared regularly in the local press.
The Friends have a growing collection of photographs taken since we were formed in 2017. The website is in the process of providing access to these photographs, as well as links to images from other historic collections such as the Norfolk Record Office and the collection built up by George Plunkett from 1931 to 2006.
You can view archives here: The Archives of Waterloo Park, Norwich

Illustration image of character bunny and bird in blue and green forest

Survey Report

Last year the Friends of Waterloo Park conducted a survey to assess the overall satisfaction of Waterloo Park and highlight any areas for improvement. The Friends have produced a report that provides an overview of the survey and the responses generated by the questions posed. We will be studying the survey responses as a means of informing us when making plans for the future. To view the report click here

grey squirrel eating a nut

Your Visit

Discover more about the park and plan your visit.

Plan your visit
coloured yarn

Dyer's Garden

In recent years there has been a growing interest in reviving the art of natural dyeing from plants. More information on our dyer's garden here.

More Information
adult and children gardening

Get Involved

The Friends of Waterloo Park always welcomes new members and you can be involved as much or as little as you like.

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